Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit: Live Painting

This event is one that will continue to be ingrained in my memories.

I was lucky to be invited by a special woman to paint live at the MOCAD in order to bring inspiration to 45 global business men and women whom were flown from all over the world. Without hesitation I accepted the opportunity. My responsibility was to create a space to allow these individuals to tap into their voice and express it through a 30 minute painting session. I felt like I was on cloud 9. Here are some photos from this event and the artwork created during the process. Materials and supplies were donated to the art class in Flint where I teach.

"Behind scenes, setting up with this wonderful man Tony"

"Just before the Action"

"In Action"

"Almost done!"

"The wonderful and polite staff"

"Drying the 45 paintings of expression"

"My result during the creative process"